Put the verbs from the box in each sentence. Use them in Future Simple.
to play, to climb, to drive, to learn, to do, to go, to teach, to miss, to take, to worry
1) The tourists
wind-surfing to the coast tomorrow.
2) What time
the instructor
us to make fire in the forest?
3) I don\'t think we
a quad bike. It\'s too dangerous.
4) You
the coach to the seaside. Hurry up!
5) They
paintball if the weather isn\'t rainy.
6) The kids
walls in the camp.
7) They
about it if they don\'t make a try.
8) My parents
scuba diving next summer holidays.
9) Ann and Mike
a plunge tomorrow morning.
10) 1
fencing at the club next week.
2 (15 оценок)
Rinz0 3 года назад
Светило науки - 181 ответ - 0 раз оказано помощи


1. will learn

2. will; tell

3. will help

4. will stedge

5. will visit

6. will climb

7. will worry

8. will save

9. will climb

10. will miss

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