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Question 9
Small Modular Reactors (SMR) are
dular\' because multiple small reactors
lled \'modules\') can be combined on-
ite to provide the same power as a
onventional, big reactor. How do you
this could improve nuclear power as
ource of energy? Select all that apply.
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mlanshychumakov 8 месяцев назад
Светило науки - 53 ответа - 0 раз оказано помощи

Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) represent a promising technology that can improve nuclear power in the following ways:

  1. Flexibility and scalability: SMRs can be more easily scalable compared to traditional large reactors. This allows the capacity to be adapted to the specific needs of the region or consumers.
  2. Lower cost and time spent on construction: SMRs can be produced in the factory, which reduces the cost and construction time compared to large reactors.
  3. Improved Safety: Smaller SMR sizes can provide better heat management and a higher level of safety through the use of passively-safe designs and systems.
  4. A variety of applications: SMRs can be used not only to generate electricity, but also to generate heat and support other processes such as hydrogen production or remote power supply.

Thus, SMRs represent a potentially effective and safe addition to existing nuclear technologies, capable of improving both the economic and environmental aspects of nuclear energy.

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