2. Complete the questions with these verbs. Then complete the answers. ever/ge ever / eat ever / find ever / make ever / sleep ever / take 1 Have you ever been (you) to the United States? ✓ Yes, I have. 2.... (they) a snake in their tent? ✓ 3.... (you) a bad mistake? X 4 (she) Mexican food? ✓ 5.... (he) in a tent? X 6.... (they) photos with a mobile phone? X

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5 (1 оценка)
Ihelpissl 8 месяцев назад
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1. Have you ever been to the United States?   Yes, I have.

2. Have they ever found a snake in their tent? Yes, they have.

3. Have you ever made a bad mistake? No, I haven't.

4. Has she ever eaten Mexican food?  Yes, she has.

5. Has he ever slept in a tent? No, he hasn't.

6. Have they ever taken photos with a mobile phone?   Yes, they have.


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