7 Complete the email with one word in each gap.

Hi Britt,
How are you? (1) ……………………… you working hard for your exams? (2) ……………………… are lots of books on my desk at the moment but I’m having a break. I’ve got maths (3) ……………………… the morning and then English. I love English, but I (4) ……………………… study all evening! I want to be an English teacher, but I think maths is important too. What do you think?
We’ve got a new English teacher. She’s English, but she (5) ……………………… here in Poland. She’s really nice, but she doesn’t speak Polish very (6) ……………………… . We have to do a lot of homework for her class.
I haven’t got time to write a long email now. I (7) ……………………… do my homework and look at my maths for tomorrow’s exam. No TV tonight!
(8) ……………………… you come to the cinema on Saturday? I want to have fun after all this work!
Write soon.
5 (1 оценка)
timofeevicvaceslav40 1 год назад
Светило науки - 8 ответов - 0 раз оказано помощи


1) Are

2) There

3) in

4) have to

5) do

6) lives

7) well

8) have


10) Can


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