• Complete the paragraph on the right with the PAST TENSE forms of verbs on the left. My Flight to London B board v. C check-in v. F fasten v. find v. land v. serve v. sit v. L S T take v. take-off v. W wait v. walk v. watch v. Dear Sylvia, Last month was my first time to fly by myself. I was a little nervous, but it was exciting! First, I (1) a taxi to the international airport terminal. Then, I (2) at the check-in counter and (3) to the departure lounge at Gate 64. I was early, so I didn\'t have to wait a long time to go through immigration and security. I in the departure lounge for about 25 minutes and then I showed my passport and boarding pass before I (5) the plane. After I boarded the plane, I walked along the aisle and (6) my seat, and then 1 (7) my seat belt. I was lucky because my seat was a window seat, so I could look outside as the plane (9) After a us dinner, few hours, the flight attendants (10) down and (8) and then I talked to the passenger sitting next to me. His name was Leonardo, and I was surprised to find out that he was also traveling to London to study English for the summer. Finally, | (11) an action movie, and then our plane soon after that. It was a great experience, (12) and I made a lot of friends during my six weeks in England. I\'ll e-mail you again after I fly back to Italy next Saturday. See you soon! Love, Adrianna​ допоможіть пж аж даю 95 балів
5 (3 оценки)
Juliyasha11 1 год назад
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1 took 2 checked - in 3 walked 4 waited 5 boarded 6 found 7 sat 8 fastened 9  took off 10 served 11 talked 12 watched 13 landed


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