Fill in the correct word derived from the word in brackets.

1 Being a volcano …………………………….. is a dangerous but exciting hobby. (CHASE)

2 The view of the eruption from the helicopter was really …………………………….. . (SPECTACLE)

3 I had a …………………………….. night because there was so much noise coming from the street outside. (SLEEP)

4 There are many amazing stories about …………………………….. in the wilderness. (SURVIVE)

5 The authorities came to the …………………………….. to evacuate the town. (DECIDE)

6 There was a huge …………………………….. response to the damage caused by Hurricane Katrina and people all over the USA donated money to help rebuild New Orleans. (NATION)

7 She gives talks to …………………………….. athletes who have suffered permanent damage to their bodies. (ABLE)

8 A tsunami is a …………………………….., unstoppable force of nature. (POWER)

9 Linda is …………………………….. worrying about the risk of flooding – it’s all she ever talks about. (CONSTANT)

10 There is a simple …………………………….. as to why earthquakes occur, but they are almost impossible to predict. (EXPLAIN)

11 The city has made a …………………………….. recovery, but there is still a long way to go. (PART)

12 Our town has an …………………………….. plan in case the volcano ever erupts. (EVACUATE)

13 Luckily, no one was injured in the …………………………….. at the chemical factory. (EXPLODE)

14 The …………………………….. of the town are determined to rebuild their lives after the flood. (RESIDE)

15 The survivors of the mine collapse gave a …………………………….. talk about how to work as a team. (MOTIVATE)
Ответ проверен экспертом
5 (1 оценка)
Lena18051986 2 года назад
Светило науки - 3771 ответ - 883 помощи


1 Being a volcano chaser is a dangerous but exciting hobby.
2 The view of the eruption from the helicopter was really spectacular.
3 I had a sleepless night because there was so much noise coming from the street outside.
4 There are many amazing stories about survival in the wilderness.
5 The authorities came to the decision to evacuate the town.
6 There was a huge national response to the damage caused by Hurricane Katrina and people all over the USA donated money to help rebuild New Orleans.
7 She gives talks to disabled athletes who have suffered permanent damage to their bodies.
8 A tsunami is a powerful, unstoppable force of nature.
9 Linda is constantly worrying about the risk of flooding – it’s all she ever talks about.
10 There is a simple explanation as to why earthquakes occur, but they are almost impossible to predict.
11 The city has made a partial recovery, but there is still a long way to go.
12 Our town has an evacuation plan in case the volcano ever erupts.
13 Luckily, no one was injured in the explosion at the chemical factory.
14 The residents of the town are determined to rebuild their lives after the flood.
15 The survivors of the mine collapse gave a motivational talk about how to work as a team.
Нужно образовать новые слова от слов, данных в скобках
Объяснение -перевод:
1 Быть охотником за вулканами — опасное, но захватывающее хобби.

2 Вид на извержение с вертолета был действительно захватывающим.
Spectacle - spectacular
3 У меня была бессонная ночь, потому что снаружи было слишком шумно.
Sleep - sleepless
4 Есть много удивительных историй о выживании в дикой природе.
Survive - survival
5 Власти приняли решение эвакуировать город.
Decide - decision
6 Ущерб, причиненный ураганом Катрина, вызвал огромный общественный резонанс в стране, и люди со всех концов США жертвовали деньги на восстановление Нового Орлеана.
Nation - national
7 Она беседует со спортсменами-инвалидами, которые получили необратимые повреждения тела.
Able - disabled
8 Цунами — мощная, непреодолимая сила природы.
9 Линда постоянно беспокоится о риске наводнения — это все, о чем она когда-либо говорила.
Constant - constantly
10 Существует простое объяснение того, почему происходят землетрясения, но их почти невозможно предсказать.
Explain - explanation
11 Город частично восстановился, но предстоит еще долгий путь.
Part - partial
12 В нашем городе есть план эвакуации на случай извержения вулкана.
13 К счастью, при взрыве на химзаводе никто не пострадал.
Explode - explosion
14 Жители города полны решимости восстановить свою жизнь после потопа.
Reside - residents
15 Выжившие после обрушения шахты выступили с мотивационным докладом о том, как работать в команде.
Motivate - motivational#SPJ1

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