Пожалуйста помогите, срочно!!!!!!
Task 1
I. Complete these sentences using be going to, will, Present Continuous or Present Simple. Use the verbs in brackets:
1. Which show do you want to go to? The film _______________ at nine and eleven. (start).
2. Look, that car over there _______________ (crash)!
3. ‘What _____ you _______ this evening?’ (do) – ‘Nothing’. - ‘Well, we ______________ to that new pizzeria?’ (go)
4. The match _________________ (start) at 3pm as always.
5. Don’t worry about the car; I ______________________ (phone) for a taxi.
6. I ___________________ work at five – so shall we meet at a quarter past? (finish)
7. I _____________ (be) rich one day!
8. According to my diary, we ____________ (meet) at 2pm tomorrow.
9. I think we ______________ (win) the European Cup next year.
10. The National Theatre ______________ (celebrate) its thirtieth anniversary soon.
1 (1 оценка)
otiyevamahabbatom89 2 года назад
Светило науки - 4 ответа - 0 раз оказано помощи


вооооооот на фотоооооооооо

3 (2 оценки)
kopeykokirill 2 года назад
Светило науки - 7 ответов - 0 раз оказано помощи


1. The film starts...

2.will crash

3. what are you doing

4. the match starts ...

5. i will phone

6.i finish

7.i am going to ...

8.we going to meet

9.we will win...

10.will celebrate

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