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Read the text. Choose the correct answer.

So, my climbing adventure starts today! I\'ve got my first lesson at the Climbing Centre in my town. I\'m feeling a bit nervous, but I know that the instructors will help me ...(1) have any problems. I\'ll start on the junior climbing wall and I\'ll have a rope on, so I won\'t get hurt...(2) fall. There are three higher walls, but the instructors probably won\'t allow me to go on them ... (3) think I\'m able to cope with them. My uncle does loads of climbing and he says that...(4) enjoy it, he\'ll take me climbing with him in the mountains. I won\'t go with him ...(5) feel really confident though. Climbing can be a dangerous sport!
Well, I must go now. My lesson starts at two and I\'ll be late ...(6) leave soon!
1 a) if I\'ll b) if I c) unless l d) if l don\'t
2 a) if I b) if I\'ll c) unless I d) if I won\'t
3 a) unless they\'ll b) unless they c) if they d) if they won\'t
4 a) unless l b) if I\'ll c) if I won\'t b) if I
5 а) if I won\'t b) unless I\'ll c) if I\'ll d) unless I
6 a) if I b) if I won\'t c) unless I d) unless I\'ll​
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darriamms 2 года назад
Светило науки - 3 ответа - 0 раз оказано помощи

1)if I

2)if I

3)unless they

4)if I

5)unless I

6)if i won’t

(тема условных предложений, в основном были реальные предположения, относящиеся к будущему, поэтому там Present Simple + Future Simple )

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