!!!!100 БАЛОВ ДАМ!!!!
1. Fill in: cartoon, stroll, landmark, hair-rising, souvenir, tricks. One word is extra.

1) The Eiffel Tower is probably the most famous … in Paris.
2)They went for a … in the park.
3)He had … adventures at the camp.
4)look! The monkey is performing … for tourists.
5)We have seen funny … characters.

2. put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect.
1)Anna … (find) a good job.
2) … (you, hear) Paul Simon’s latest record?
3)I … (not see) him since June.
4)We … (already, do) our homework.
5) … (she, ever, play) the piano?

3. Choose the correct answer.
1)The new Marvel film will come … soon.
a. across b. out c. round
2)Did your friend come … to see you?
a. across b. out c. round
3)Can you … a webpage?
a. make b. play c.go
4)I’d like to … an instrument and sing.
a.go b.make c.play
5)Has your cat … been to the vet?
a.since b.ever c.yet
6)I have … read five English books.
a.already b.never c.before

4. Complete the dialogue.
-I’d like to reserve two weeks at your camp.
-Of course. It’s [email protected]
-That’s fine.
-In July
A: Adventure Teen Camp. How can I help you?
B: Good morning! My name is Linda Cooper. (1)…
A: When would you like to come?
B: (2)…
A: OK. Which course would you like to take?
B: I’d like to take horse riding.
A: (3)…
B: Can you send me an e-mail with details?
A: (4)… Can you give me e-mail address?
B: (5)…

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Ответ проверен экспертом
4 (42 оценки)
MaryFairy211 2 года назад
Светило науки - 6445 ответов - 50283 помощи

1. Fill in: cartoon, stroll, landmark, hair-rising, souvenir, tricks. One word is extra.

1) The Eiffel Tower is probably the most famous landmark (известная достопримечательность) in Paris.

2) They went for a stroll (пошли на прогулку) in the park.

3) He had hair-rising adventures (головокружительные приключения) at the camp.

4) Look! The monkey is performing tricks (трюки) for tourists.

5) We have seen funny cartoon characters (мультипликационные персонажи).

2. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect.

1) Anna has found a good job.

2) Have you heard Paul Simon’s latest record?

3) I haven't seen him since June.

4) We have already done our homework.

5) Has she ever played the piano?

3. Choose the correct answer.

1) The new Marvel film will come … soon.

b. out

2) Did your friend come … to see you?

c. round

3) Can you … a webpage?

 a. make

4) I’d like to … an instrument and sing.

c. play

5) Has your cat … been to the vet?

b. ever

6) I have … read five English books.

a. already

4. Complete the dialogue.

A: Adventure Teen Camp. How can I help you?

B: Good morning! My name is Linda Cooper. (1) I’d like to reserve two weeks at your camp. (Я хотела бы забронировать две недели в вашем лагере.)

A: When would you like to come?

B: (2) In July.

A: OK. Which course would you like to take?

B: I’d like to take horse riding.

A: (3) That’s fine.

B: Can you send me an e-mail with details?

A: (4) Certainly. Can you give me e-mail address?

B: (5) Of course. It’s [email protected]

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