СРОЧНО! 22 балла!

Cross out the word or phrase that you cannot use with the words in bold.

1 get the sack/skills/a pay rise

2 beat/support/enter the other team

3 win a match/a race/a goal 4 make sense/goals/decisions

5 state/optional/compulsory subjects

6 get your best/injured/fit

7 pass/revise/fail an exam


2 Complete the sentences with one word in each gap.

1 Private schools in England are very expensive.
2 John\'s really passionate ______football.

He wants to be a professional footballer.
3 I have no idea how to play cricket - the

______ are too complicated for me.

4 Gina\'s studying to be a doctor but she hasn\'t

chosen the area of medicine she wants to ______ in yet.

5 I think she earns quite a high _______in

her new job.

6.I _______playing chess a bit boring.

7 My uncle has a successful _______ as an actor, writer and director in theatre and television.
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lilegorodnikovoj 2 года назад
Светило науки - 3663 ответа - 0 раз оказано помощи

Ответ:Нельзя употребить:

3. goal, 5.state, 7. revise

II 1. 2. to 3. rules 4. stay 5.salary 6. I think 7. job


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