50 points Grammar
Complete the sentences. Use the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
The boy _______________________ (sit) on a bench in the park _______________________ (read) a book.
The man _______________________ (take) my handbag while I _______________________ (sit) in the restaurant.
The policeman _______________________ (notice) the blood on the floor when he first _______________________ (enter) the room.
I _______________________ (try) to sleep when the doorbell _______________________ (ring).
The accident happened because the man _______________________ (drive) and _______________________ (talk) on his mobile phone at the same time.
When I _______________________ (reach) the other side of the lake, I _______________________ (feel) safe.
While I _______________________ (do) my English exam, I _______________________ (decide) to ask for a drink.
I _______________________ (see) the money on the ground as I _______________________ (walk) to school.
They _______________________ (start) climbing very early in the morning because they _______________________ (want) to reach the top by midday.
I _______________________ (sprain) my ankle while I _______________________ (play) basketball.
4 (4 оценки)
thebestamigo 3 года назад
Светило науки - 112 ответов - 1730 раз оказано помощи


  1. was sitting, was reading
  2. took, was sitting
  3. noticed, entered
  4. was trying, rang
  5. was driving, was talking
  6. reached, felt
  7. was doing, decided
  8. saw, was walking
  9. started, wanted
  10. sprained, was playing

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